
Update group



Modifies the details of a specified group within the organization using the provided access token.

Required field(s):

  • id

  • Returns a 404/NotFound error if the specified resource is not found.
  • Returns a 400/BadRequest error if the request body is invalid.
  • Returns a 409/Conflict with ERROR_REASON_CONFLICT error if there's a user list conflict during the update. In such cases, retry at a higher level to restart the read-modify-write sequence.


Path Parameters

    id stringrequired

    Required. The unique id of the group to update.

Header Parameters

    x-bv-org-id stringrequired

    To invoke this API using api_token, you need to set the x-bv-org-id header to specify the organization for which you want to perform the action.


    name string

    Input only. The name of the group to update. It'll not take effect if updated to an empty string.

    description string

    Input only. The description of the group to update.

    before_user_ids string[]

    Input only. The user list before update means the list getting from the get group API. It'll be required if after_user_ids is provided. It's used to compare the snapshot before you got to avoid the race condition cause the dirty write.

    after_user_ids string[]

    Input only. The user list to be updated in the group.


A successful response.

    group object
    id string

    Output only. The unique id of the group.

    name string

    Output only. The name of the group.

    description string

    Output only. The description of the group.

    creator_name string

    Output only. The name of the creator for the group.

    user_infos object[]

    Output only.

  • Array [
  • id string

    Output only. The unique id of the user.

    email string

    Output only. The email of the user.

    status string


    Output only. The status of the user.

    role_type string


    Output only. The role of the user.

    created_at date-time

    Output only. The created time of the user.

    first_name string

    Output only. The first name of the user.

    last_name string

    Output only. The last name of the user.

  • ]
  • members int32

    Output only. The number of members in the group.

    created_at date-time

    Output only. The timestamp of the group that was created.

    updated_at date-time

    Output only. The timestamp of the group that was last updated.
