
Get live



Return details of a specified live session.

  • Return 404/NotFound error if the requested resource is not found.


Path Parameters

    id stringrequired

    Required. The unique id of the live.

Header Parameters

    x-bv-org-id stringrequired

    To invoke this API using api_token, you need to set the x-bv-org-id header to specify the organization for which you want to perform the action.


A successful response.

    live object
    id uuid

    Output only. The unique id of the live.

    name string

    Possible values: <= 100 characters

    Optional. The name of the live.

    custom_id string

    Possible values: non-empty and <= 150 characters, Value must match regular expression ^[a-zA-Z0-9._-]{1,150}$

    Optional. The unique custom id of the live.

    type stringrequired


    Required. Immutable. Indicates the type of the live.

    source object

    Optional. Required if type is LIVE_TYPE_SIMULIVE. Specify the pre-recorded video source for the live.

    type string

    Possible values: [LIVE_SOURCE_TYPE_LIBRARY]

    Required. Indicates the simulive type to choices.

    library object

    Input only. Required if type is LIVE_SOURCE_TYPE_LIBRARY. Specify the video srouce from library.

    id stringrequired

    Required. The video library id as the source of the simulive.

    name string

    Output only. The video library name.

    broadcast_mode stringrequired


    Required. Immutable. Indicates the broadcast mode of the live.

    scheduled_at date-time

    Optional. Only used when type is LIVE_TYPE_SIMULIVE. The live will start at the scheduled time if it is set. Otherwise, start immediately.

    resolution - LIVE_RESOLUTION_HD: 720p resolution (1280 * 720 pixels) - LIVE_RESOLUTION_FHD: 1080p resolution (1920 * 1080 pixels) - LIVE_RESOLUTION_4K: 4K resolution (3840 * 2160 pixels) (string)required


    Required. Immutable. Required if broadcast_mode is not BROADCAST_MODE_PLAYBACK.

    live_vod object

    Optional. Indicates recording the live event after the live ended if it is set.

    source stringrequired


    Required. Indicates the VOD source type. It must be LIVE_VOD_SOURCE_PLAYBACK when broadcast_mode of the live is BROADCAST_MODE_PLAYBACK.

    replace object

    Optional. Required if source is LIVE_VOD_SOURCE_REPLACE.

    id stringrequired

    Required. The unique id of the VOD.

    name string

    Output only. The name of the VOD.

    playback object

    Optional. Required if source is LIVE_VOD_SOURCE_PLAYBACK.

    id stringrequired

    Required. The unique id of the VOD.

    name string

    Output only. The name of the VOD.

    started_at date-timerequired

    Required. The VOD will available after the start time.

    ended_at date-timerequired

    Required. The VOD will not available after the end time.

    security objectrequired

    Required. The security settings for the live.

    privacy objectrequired

    Required. Specify the content visibility.

    type stringrequired


    • SECURITY_PRIVACY_TYPE_PUBLIC: The viewers can access the content without any restriction.
    • SECURITY_PRIVACY_TYPE_TOKEN: The viewers can access the content with tokens or redeem codes.
    token object

    Optional. Required if type is SECURITY_PRIVACY_TYPE_TOKEN.

    device_limit int32

    Optional. The limit of the concurrent devices for a token or a redeem code. Default: 0 (Unlimited). Maximum: 1000.

    watermark object

    Optional. Add watermarks to the player when playing the content, it's not supported for AOD.

    enabled booleanrequired

    Required. Enable watermark.

    type stringrequired


    Required. Indicates the type of watermark.

    position stringrequired


    Required. The position of the watermark.

    image object

    Optional. Required if type is WATERMARK_TYPE_IMAGE.

    library_id stringrequired

    Required. The library id of the image.

    url string

    Output only. The URL of the image.

    name string

    Output only. The Name of the image.

    size floatrequired

    Required. The size of the watermark. The range of values that can be set is from 1 to 50.

    offset object

    Optional. Required if type is WATERMARK_POSITION_CUSTOM.

    x int32required

    Required. The x-axis position of the watermark. Represented as a percentage of the image width. The range of values that can be set is from 1 to 100.

    y int32required

    Required. The y-axis position of the watermark. Represented as a percentage of the image height. The range of values that can be set is from 1 to 100.

    domain_control object

    Optional. Specify the domains that will be allowed to embed the iframe.

    enabled boolean

    Optional. Enable domain control.

    domains string[]

    Optional. The list of domains that will be allowed to embed the iframe.

    protection object

    Optional. Immutable. The content encryption.

    type Optional. Indicates the type of protection (string)

    Possible values: [PROTECTION_TYPE_DRM]

    • PROTECTION_TYPE_DRM: The content will protected by DRM.
    geo_control string[]

    Immutable. Specify the alpha-2 codes (See: https://www.iban.com/country-codes) to restrict access to the content by geo locations. Allow all regions when empty.

    ull_enabled boolean

    Optional. Enable ultra-low-latency streaming.

    cover_images object

    Optional. Customize the cover images on the player.

    ready_to_start object

    Input only. The cover image when the live is ready to start.

    type stringrequired


    Required. Indicates the cover image type.

    auto object

    Output only. Indicates the cover images which are generated automatically. It will be empty which represents the black screen when the content type is live.

    url string

    Output only. The URL of the cover image.

    name string

    Output only. The name of the cover image.

    size int64

    Output only. The size of the cover image.

    customize object

    Optional. Required if type is COVER_IMAGE_TYPE_CUSTOMIZE.

    library_id stringrequired

    Required. The library id of the cover image.

    url string

    Output only. The URL of the cover image.

    name string

    Output only. The name of the cover image.

    size int64

    Output only. The size of the cover image.

    updated_at date-time

    Output only. The timestamp of the cover image that was updated.

    preview object

    Input only. The cover image when the live is previewing.

    type stringrequired


    Required. Indicates the cover image type.

    auto object

    Output only. Indicates the cover images which are generated automatically. It will be empty which represents the black screen when the content type is live.

    url string

    Output only. The URL of the cover image.

    name string

    Output only. The name of the cover image.

    size int64

    Output only. The size of the cover image.

    customize object

    Optional. Required if type is COVER_IMAGE_TYPE_CUSTOMIZE.

    library_id stringrequired

    Required. The library id of the cover image.

    url string

    Output only. The URL of the cover image.

    name string

    Output only. The name of the cover image.

    size int64

    Output only. The size of the cover image.

    updated_at date-time

    Output only. The timestamp of the cover image that was updated.

    player_pause object

    Input only. The cover image when the player is paused.

    type stringrequired


    Required. Indicates the cover image type.

    auto object

    Output only. Indicates the cover images which are generated automatically. It will be empty which represents the black screen when the content type is live.

    url string

    Output only. The URL of the cover image.

    name string

    Output only. The name of the cover image.

    size int64

    Output only. The size of the cover image.

    customize object

    Optional. Required if type is COVER_IMAGE_TYPE_CUSTOMIZE.

    library_id stringrequired

    Required. The library id of the cover image.

    url string

    Output only. The URL of the cover image.

    name string

    Output only. The name of the cover image.

    size int64

    Output only. The size of the cover image.

    updated_at date-time

    Output only. The timestamp of the cover image that was updated.

    signal_interruption object

    Input only. The cover image when the signal is interrupted.

    type stringrequired


    Required. Indicates the cover image type.

    auto object

    Output only. Indicates the cover images which are generated automatically. It will be empty which represents the black screen when the content type is live.

    url string

    Output only. The URL of the cover image.

    name string

    Output only. The name of the cover image.

    size int64

    Output only. The size of the cover image.

    customize object

    Optional. Required if type is COVER_IMAGE_TYPE_CUSTOMIZE.

    library_id stringrequired

    Required. The library id of the cover image.

    url string

    Output only. The URL of the cover image.

    name string

    Output only. The name of the cover image.

    size int64

    Output only. The size of the cover image.

    updated_at date-time

    Output only. The timestamp of the cover image that was updated.

    end object

    Input only. The cover image when the live is ended.

    type stringrequired


    Required. Indicates the cover image type.

    auto object

    Output only. Indicates the cover images which are generated automatically. It will be empty which represents the black screen when the content type is live.

    url string

    Output only. The URL of the cover image.

    name string

    Output only. The name of the cover image.

    size int64

    Output only. The size of the cover image.

    customize object

    Optional. Required if type is COVER_IMAGE_TYPE_CUSTOMIZE.

    library_id stringrequired

    Required. The library id of the cover image.

    url string

    Output only. The URL of the cover image.

    name string

    Output only. The name of the cover image.

    size int64

    Output only. The size of the cover image.

    updated_at date-time

    Output only. The timestamp of the cover image that was updated.

    close object

    Input only. The cover image when the live is closed.

    type stringrequired


    Required. Indicates the cover image type.

    auto object

    Output only. Indicates the cover images which are generated automatically. It will be empty which represents the black screen when the content type is live.

    url string

    Output only. The URL of the cover image.

    name string

    Output only. The name of the cover image.

    size int64

    Output only. The size of the cover image.

    customize object

    Optional. Required if type is COVER_IMAGE_TYPE_CUSTOMIZE.

    library_id stringrequired

    Required. The library id of the cover image.

    url string

    Output only. The URL of the cover image.

    name string

    Output only. The name of the cover image.

    size int64

    Output only. The size of the cover image.

    updated_at date-time

    Output only. The timestamp of the cover image that was updated.

    current object

    Output only. The current cover image for playback.

    type stringrequired


    Required. Indicates the cover image type.

    auto object

    Output only. Indicates the cover images which are generated automatically. It will be empty which represents the black screen when the content type is live.

    url string

    Output only. The URL of the cover image.

    name string

    Output only. The name of the cover image.

    size int64

    Output only. The size of the cover image.

    customize object

    Optional. Required if type is COVER_IMAGE_TYPE_CUSTOMIZE.

    library_id stringrequired

    Required. The library id of the cover image.

    url string

    Output only. The URL of the cover image.

    name string

    Output only. The name of the cover image.

    size int64

    Output only. The size of the cover image.

    updated_at date-time

    Output only. The timestamp of the cover image that was updated.

    metadata object

    Optional. The metadata of the live.

    short_description string

    The short description of the resource.

    long_description string

    The long description of the resource.

    labels object[]

    The labels of the resource.

  • Array [
  • name The label name (string)
  • ]
  • showroom object

    Optional. Customize the preferences on showroom.

    model object

    Optional. The model of showroom preferences.

    libraries object[]

    Optional. The library assets that is used by the model.

  • Array [
  • id stringrequired

    Required. The library id of the asset.

    name string

    Output only. The library name of the asset.

    url string

    Output only. The URL of the asset.

  • ]
  • interaction object

    Optional. Indicates the interaction settings.

    poll_enabled boolean

    Optional. Indicates the poll is enabled or not.

    chatroom object

    Optional. Indicates the chatroom settings.

    live object
    enabled boolean

    Optional. This field indicating the chatroom is enabled or not.

    theme string


    Optional. Required when enabled = true.

    vod object
    enabled boolean

    Optional. This field indicating the chatroom is enabled or not.

    theme string


    Optional. Required when enabled = true.

    options object

    Optional. Indicates the chatroom options.

    custom_counter_keys string[]

    Optional. Immutable. Indicates the keys of custom counter.

    message_ttl string

    Optional. Immutable. The maximum time to reserve the chatroom messages. Default: "3600s". Min: "0s". Max: "1209600s".

    message_batch_window string

    Optional. Immutable. The batch window for the chatroom messages. Default: "3s". Min: "0.5s". Max: "60s".

    broadcast_setting object

    Optional. Indicates the setting that will broadcast the additional information to the chatroom.

    viewer_metrics_enabled boolean

    Optional. Immutable. Indicates whether to broadcast the viewer metrics (e.g. the count of concurrent viewers and total viewers).

    event_id string

    Output only. Empty if poll and chatroom are disabled.

    chat_id string

    Output only. Empty if chatroom are disabled.

    setup object

    Output only. The setup for live streaming.

    rtmp object

    Output only. The setup for RTMP live streaming. It is only available when ingest_types contains LIVE_STREAM_INGEST_TYPE_RTMP.

    links object[]

    Output only. The RTMP links.

  • Array [
  • url string

    Output only. The RTMP server endpoint.

    pipeline string


    Output only. The live streaming pipeline.

    stream_key string

    Output only. The key for live streaming.

  • ]
  • whip object

    Output only. The setup for WHIP live streaming. It is only available when ingest_types contains LIVE_STREAM_INGEST_TYPE_WHIP.

    links object[]

    Output only. The WHIP links.

  • Array [
  • url string

    Output only. The WHIP server endpoint.

    pipeline string


    Output only. The live streaming pipeline.

    token string

    Output only. The access token for WHIP live streaming.

  • ]
  • stream object[]

    Output only. The streaming information for playback.

  • Array [
  • manifests object[]

    Indicates the manifest resources.

  • Array [
  • protocol - PROTOCOL_HLS: HTTP Live Streaming - PROTOCOL_DASH: Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP - PROTOCOL_WHEP: WebRTC-HTTP Egress Protocol - PROTOCOL_PROGRESSIVE: Progressive download (string)


    Indicates the streaming protocol of manifest.

    uris object[]

    Indicates the uri array of manifest.

  • Array [
  • resolutions object[]

    The resolution of the manifest.

  • Array [
  • height int64

    The video resolution height.

    width int64

    The video resolution width.

  • ]
  • uri string

    The streaming uri of the manifest.

  • ]
  • ]
  • thumbnail object

    Indicates the thumbnail resource.

    uri string

    Thumbnail seeking uri.

  • ]
  • labels object[]

    Output only. The labels of the live.

  • Array [
  • name The label name (string)
  • ]
  • created_at date-time

    Output only. The timestamp of the live that was created.

    updated_at date-time

    Output only. The timestamp of the live that was updated.

    status string


    Output only. The status of the live.

    started_time date-time

    Output only. The timestamp of the live that was started.

    ended_time date-time

    Output only. The timestamp of the live that was ended.

    save_for_download_enabled boolean

    Optional. Enable live recording for download.

    ingest_types string[]

    Possible values: [LIVE_STREAM_INGEST_TYPE_RTMP]

    Optional. Immutable. The types for ingesting live streaming. Default: ['LIVE_STREAM_INGEST_TYPE_RTMP'] Notice: Multiple ingest types are not supported yet.

    byo_cdn object

    Optional. The setting of bring-your-own cdn.

    enabled boolean

    Optional. Enable BYO(Bring-your-own) CDN or not.

    byo_cdn_setting_id string

    Optional. The id of BYO CDN host that you set in the general settings, it's necessary when byo cdn is enabled.

    configs object[]

    Output only. The preconfigured BYO CDN configurations for AWS distribution.

  • Array [
  • type Required. The type of cdn configuration (string)


    origin Required. The origin user need to set in the distribution (string)
    cache_behavior_prefix Required. The cache behavior prefix user need to set in the distribution (string)
  • ]
  • player_setting object

    Output Only. Customize the preferences on player.

    setting object

    Output Only. The model of player preferences.

    id string

    Output only. The resource identifier of player setting.

    name string

    Output only. The name of player setting.

    description string

    Output Only. The decription of player setting.

    libraries object[]

    Output Only. The library assets that are used in the setting.

  • Array [
  • id string

    Output Only. The library id of the asset.

    name string

    Output only. The library name of the asset.

    url string

    Output only. The URL of the asset.

  • ]
  • player object

    Input only. Customize the preferences on player setting id.

    player_setting_id string
    org_id string

    Output only. The organization id that the live belongs to.

    stream_id string

    Optional. Output only. The stream id created from Platform API, which is responsible for providing basic streaming functions like streaming server, content delivery, ...etc, for the live.

    on_demand boolean

    Output only. Indicates the live is on-demand or not. It usually takes more time until live is ready to start when true.

    remux_only boolean

    Immutable. Indicates whether the live stream is remuxed without transcoded. Only support LL-HLS output. The following options are restricted:

    • type MUST be LIVE_TYPE_LIVE.
    • live_vod MUST be null.
    • ull_enabled MUST be true.
    • save_for_download_enabled MUST be false.
    error_infos object[]

    Output only. Optional. A list of messages that carry the error infos when live is failed.

  • Array [
  • reason string

    The reason of the error. This is a constant value that identifies the proximate cause of the error. Error reasons are unique within a particular domain of errors. This should be at most 63 characters and match a regular expression of [A-Z][A-Z0-9_]+[A-Z0-9], which represents UPPER_SNAKE_CASE.

    domain string

    The logical grouping to which the "reason" belongs. The error domain is typically the registered service name of the tool or product that generates the error. Example: "pubsub.googleapis.com". If the error is generated by some common infrastructure, the error domain must be a globally unique value that identifies the infrastructure. For Google API infrastructure, the error domain is "googleapis.com".

    metadata object

    Additional structured details about this error.

    Keys should match /[a-zA-Z0-9-_]/ and be limited to 64 characters in length. When identifying the current value of an exceeded limit, the units should be contained in the key, not the value. For example, rather than {"instanceLimit": "100/request"}, should be returned as, {"instanceLimitPerRequest": "100"}, if the client exceeds the number of instances that can be created in a single (batch) request.

    property name* string
  • ]