
Update the setting of live pool in this org.



This API is used to update the setting of live pool.

It'll return a 400/BadRequest error if any request body is invalid. It'll return a 404/Not Found error if any requested resource is not found.


Header Parameters

    x-bv-org-id stringrequired

    To invoke this API using api_token, you need to set the x-bv-org-id header to specify the organization for which you want to perform the action.


    live_pools object[]required

    Required. The live pools. The active time between live pools should not overlap.

  • Array [
  • activated_at objectrequired
    time stringrequired

    Required. The time of day. The format is "HH:MM:SS" like "15:04:05". The time should be in the range of "00:00:00" to "24:00:00".

    deactivated_at objectrequired
    time stringrequired

    Required. The time of day. The format is "HH:MM:SS" like "15:04:05". The time should be in the range of "00:00:00" to "24:00:00".

    min int64

    Optional. The minimum number of live streams that should be available in the live pool. Default value: 0. The value should be less than or equal to max.

    max int64

    Optional. The maximum number of live streams that can be created in the live pool. Default value: 0. The value should be greater than or equal to min.

    config objectrequired

    Required. The live streams with the config will be provided by the live pool.

    override object

    Optional. The config of lives in the live pool will be overrided.

    profiles object[]

    Optional. The profiles of the lives. If not set, it will use the default profiles by resolution.

  • Array [
  • video_codec object
    codec string
    height int64
    width int64
    bitrate int64
    audio_codec object
    codec string
    bitrate int64
  • ]
  • resolution - LIVE_RESOLUTION_HD: 720p resolution (1280 * 720 pixels) - LIVE_RESOLUTION_FHD: 1080p resolution (1920 * 1080 pixels) - LIVE_RESOLUTION_4K: 4K resolution (3840 * 2160 pixels) (string)


    Optional. Required if remux_only is false. The live resolution.

    drm_enabled boolean

    Optional. Whether the drm is enabled. Default value: false.

    geo_control string[]

    Optional. Restrict regions to access. If leave empty, it will allow all regions.

    ull_enabled boolean

    Optional. Whether the ull is enabled. Default value: false.

    delivery_disabled boolean

    Optional. Disable deploying CDN delivery. Default value: false.

    remux_only boolean

    Optional. Whether the live pool is remux only. Default value: false.

    notification_config object

    Optional. The notification config of the live pool.

    is_enabled boolean

    Optional. Whether the notification is enabled. Default value: false.

    available_streams_notify_threshold int64

    Optional. The threshold for triggering a notification if the count of available live streams in the pool falls below this value. Default value: 0.

    notification_settings object[]

    Optional. The notification setting.

  • Array [
  • type string

    Possible values: [NOTIFICATION_TYPE_EMAIL]

    The type of the notification.

    email_setting object

    The email setting of the notification.

    email_recipients string[]

    Optional. The email addresses to receive alert notifications. If no recipients are specified, email will be sent to the organization owner.

  • ]
  • ]


A successful response.


