
Get trust policy information



Fetches the AWS IAM trust policy. The policy includes:

  • Blend vision AWS account arn.
  • Blend vision AWS role arn.
  • External ID Set this trust policy to your IAM trust policy for cloud storage.

Notice: The /bv/configurations/v1/cloud-storages/trust-policy will be deprecated soon. Please use /bv/configuration/v1/cloud-storages/trust-policy instead.


Header Parameters

    x-bv-org-id stringrequired

    To invoke this API using api_token, you need to set the x-bv-org-id header to specify the organization for which you want to perform the action.


A successful response.

    aws_account_arn string

    Output Only. Blend vision AWS account arn. This is intended for use with cloud storage.

    role_arn string

    Output Only. Blend vision AWS role arn. This is intended for use with cloud storage.

    external_id string

    Output Only. AWS external id for policy. This is intended for use with cloud storage.
