
Create BYO CDN



Configures the BYO CDN (Bring Your Own CDN) setting.


Header Parameters

    x-bv-org-id stringrequired

    To invoke this API using api_token, you need to set the x-bv-org-id header to specify the organization for which you want to perform the action.


    byo_cdn_setting object
    name stringrequired

    Required. The name of the byo cdn setting.

    type stringrequired

    Possible values: [CDN_PROVIDER_AWS_CLOUDFRONT]

    Required. The cdn provider.

    aws_cdn_setting object

    Optional. The cdn setting for aws, it is needed when type is CDN_PROVIDER_AWS_CLOUDFRONT.

    account_id stringrequired

    Required. The AWS account identifier, it is a 12-digit number, such as 012345678901.

    distribution_host stringrequired

    Required. The aws distribution host.


A successful response.

    byo_cdn_setting object
    id string

    Output only. The resource identifier of byo cdn.

    name stringrequired

    Required. The name of the byo cdn setting.

    type stringrequired

    Possible values: [CDN_PROVIDER_AWS_CLOUDFRONT]

    Required. The cdn provider.

    aws_cdn_setting object

    Optional. The cdn setting for aws, it is needed when type is CDN_PROVIDER_AWS_CLOUDFRONT.

    account_id stringrequired

    Required. The AWS account identifier, it is a 12-digit number, such as 012345678901.

    distribution_host stringrequired

    Required. The aws distribution host.

    created_at date-time

    Output only.

    updated_at date-time

    Output only.
