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Error Codes

When an error occurs, the player will display error codes and related messages. Check the table below for possible causes and suggested solutions.

Error CodePossible CausesSuggested Solutions
803The audio file's initialization failed.Restart player or check your source file.
804Writing audio error.Restart player or check your source file.
805Decoding error.Restart player or check your source file.
808The network connection appears unstable or unreachable.Make sure network is connected and try again.
809DRM error due to lack of viewing rights.Check the DRM server information.
810DRM error due to the device's limitation.Use supported devices.
811DRM information.Check the DRM server information.
812DRM error due to lack of viewing rights.Check the DRM server information.
813No DRM key.Check the DRM key.
814DRM Expired.Check the DRM license.
815Server error.Try again later or contact support for assistance.
816DRM license error.Check the DRM license.
817-819Server error.Try again later or contact support for assistance.
899Unknow error.Try again later or contact support for assistance.
900Invalid manifest url.Check the manifest url.
904Cannot find manifest.Check the manifest url.
20000No player license key providedCheck how to obtain a valid key.
20001No playback capability allowed- Contact us to check your account permission.
- Check how to obtain a valid key.
20400Bad requestCheck your request parameters and formatting
20403Invalid/illegal player license key- Contact us to check your account permission.
- Check how to obtain a valid key.
20500Server errorsTry again later or contact support for assistance