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List chatbots



This API is used to list the chatbot resources.


Query Parameters

    name string

    Optional. The name of the chatbot to be filtered. It will return the results which contain the specified name.

    current_page int32

    Input only. Indicates the current page to shows. Default: 1.

    items_per_page int32

    Input only. Indicates the number of items to shows per page. Default: 1. Max: 100.


A successful response.

    chatbots object[]
  • Array [
  • id string

    Output only. The uuid of the chatbot resource.

    name stringrequired

    Required. The display name of the chatbot.

    status string


    Output only. The status of the chatbot.

    setting objectrequired

    Required. The language model setting of the chatbot.

    model stringrequired

    Possible values: [MODEL_LITE]


    character_role string


    character_description string


    creativity floatrequired


    response_length objectrequired

    Required. The response length setting of the chatbot.

    enabled boolean

    Optional. Indicates to enable the custom limit response length.

    input int32

    Optional. Required if enabled the custom limit.

    output int32

    Optional. Required if enabled the custom limit.

    appearance objectrequired

    Required. The appearance setting of the chatbot.

    enabled boolean

    Optional. Indicates to enable the customization appearance setting.

    setting object

    Optional. Required if enabled the customization appearance setting.

    profile objectrequired


    image objectrequired


    id stringrequired

    Required. The uuid of the file image.

    url string

    Output only. The image URL to be rendered.

    name string

    Output only. The name of the image.

    display_name stringrequired


    message objectrequired


    welcome stringrequired


    placeholder stringrequired


    fallback string


    theme string



    color objectrequired


    user_message stringrequired


    widget stringrequired


    reference objectrequired

    Required. The reference setting of the chatbot.

    kb_selection boolean

    Optional. Indicates the user is able to select which knowledge bases should be used in the chat.

    display_citation boolean

    Optional. Indicates the user can see the citation of the answer that is from which source.

    player object

    Optional. The player setting of the playable citation.

    domain string

    Optional. The BYO domain of the player.

    domain_control object

    Optional. Specify the domains that will be allowed to embed the iframe.

    enabled boolean

    Optional. Enable domain control.

    domains string[]

    Optional. The list of domains that will be allowed to embed the iframe.

    character_count int64

    Output only. The number of characters of this chatbot used.

    rate_limit objectrequired

    Required. The rate limit setting of the chatbot.

    enabled boolean

    Optional. Indicates to enable the rate limit setting.

    setting object

    Optional. Required if enabled the rate limit setting.

    limit int32required

    Required. Indicates the number of messages to throttle the chatbot. It should be set up together with duration to throttle the chatbot at the number of limit messages in a specified duration.

    duration stringrequired

    Required. Indicates the specified duration to throttle the chatbot. It should be set up together with limit to throttle the chatbot at the number of limit messages in a specified duration.

    Example: 1s, 1m

    throttle_message stringrequired

    Required. Indicates the response of the message when the chatbot is being throttled.

    vary_by string


    Optional. Indicates to vary rate limiting chatbot by the selected mode if provided.

    quota_limit objectrequired

    Required. The quota limit setting of the chatbot.

    enabled boolean

    Optional. Indicates to enable the quota limit setting.

    setting object

    Optional. Indicates to enable the quota limit setting.

    limit int32required

    Required. Indicates the number of quota messages to limit the chatbot.

    reset stringrequired

    Possible values: [QUOTA_LIMIT_RESET_DAILY]

    Required. Indicates when the quota will be reset.

    created_at date-time

    Output only. The time that the chatbot created.

    updated_at date-time

    Output only. The time that the chatbot last updated.

  • ]
  • pagination object
    total_items int32

    Output only. The total numbers of the list in the current pagination.

    items_per_page int32

    Output only. The number of items per page in the current pagination.

    current_page int32

    Output only. The current page in the current pagination.
