
List account API tokens



Lists the API tokens associated with the current user's account.


Query Parameters

    current_page int32required

    Required. The current page in the current pagination.

    items_per_page int32required

    Required. The number of items per page in the current pagination.

    filter.name string

    Optional. Filter by api token name


A successful response.

    api_tokens object[]
  • Array [
  • id string

    Output only. The resource identifier of API token.

    name string

    Output only. The name of API token.

    expired_date date-time

    Output only. The expired date of token.

    token_type Output only. The type of api token. (e.g. Basic,Bearer) Default: Bearer (string)

    Possible values: [TOKEN_TYPE_BEARER]

    created_at date-time

    Output only.

    last_used date-time

    Output only: The most recent usage of the token.

  • ]
  • pagination object
    total_items int32

    Output only. The total numbers of the list in the current pagination.

    items_per_page int32

    Output only. The number of items per page in the current pagination.

    current_page int32

    Output only. The current page in the current pagination.
