
Video Player

This guide will walk you through the steps to start a BlendVision One streaming playback using the Android player SDK.

Additionally, you can also check out the sample project for an even smoother start: https://github.com/BlendVision/Android-Player-Samples


Step 1: Initialize the Player

Import Player SDK

  • Follow the integration to import SDK
  • Add the latest version in the gradle
implementation "com.blendvision.player:playback:${player_version}"
implementation "com.blendvision.player:download:${player_version}"
implementation "com.blendvision.player:analytics:${player_version}"
implementation "com.blendvision.player:common:${player_version}"

Create a Player

To play the streaming content, create a player instance with the license key and stream information in the initialization configuration:

// create the player instance
private var player: UniPlayer? = null
player = UniPlayer.Builder(
licenseKey = "YOUR_LICENSE_KEY"

// set player view type
defaultContentType = ContentType.STANDALONE

// bind the new created player to player view

// load stream information
source = MediaConfig.Source(
url = "DASH_MPD_URL",
protocal = MediaConfig.Protocol.DASH,
drm = MediaConfig.DrmInfo.Widevine(
licenseUrl = "DRM_SERVER_URL",
headers = mapOf("KEY" to "VALUE")
title = "",
imageUrl = "",
thumbnailSeekingUrl = ""

// start playback

// pause/play during playback

// release the player

Step 2: Obtain a Playback Token

Make a POST request to the API: POST /bv/cms/v1/tokens

resource_idRequiredThe unique ID of your content. You can retrieve this in two ways:
1. Using BlendVision One CMS
- VOD > Publishing Tools
- Live > Publishing Tools

2. Using BlendVision One API
- VOD: GET /bv/cms/v1/vods
- Live: GET /bv/cms/v1/lives
resource_typeRequiredThe streaming type of your content.
customer_idOptionalYour custom user ID to identify who is watching the content.
This parameter is required if the content's security privacy is set to SECURITY_PRIVACY_TYPE_TOKEN.
const val API_DOMAIN = "https://api.one.blendvision.com"

interface ApiService {
suspend fun getPlaybackToken(
@Header("Authorization") cmsToken: String, // 'Bearer ${CMS token}'
@Body request: PlaybackTokenRequest()
}: PlaybackTokenResponse

data class PlaybackTokenRequest(
val resourceId: String,
val resourceType: String,
val customerId: String

data class PlaybackTokenResponse(
val playbackToken: String

Step 3: Start a Playback Session

Start a playback session and obtain the stream data using the APIs:

Replace the sample URLs in Step 1 with the obtained manifest_url (dashUrl) for playback.

const val API_DOMAIN = "https://api.one.blendvision.com/"

interface ApiService {
suspend fun startPlaybackSession(
@Header("Authorization") playbackToken: String,
@Path("deviceId") deviceId: String
): StartSessionResponse

suspend fun getStreamInfo(
@Header("Authorization") playbackToken: String,
@Path("deviceId") deviceId: String
): GetStreamInfoResponse

// data for start a session
data class StartSessionResponse(
val endPoint: String

// data for get stream information
data class GetStreamInfoResponse(
val sources: List

data class Source(
val manifests: List,
val thumbnailSeekingUrl: String

data class Manifest(
val protocal: String,
val url: String,
val resolutions: List

data class Resolution(
val height: String,
val width: String

Step 4: Manage the Lifecycle of a Playback Session

To keep the playback session alive, periodically invoke the heartbeat API every 10 seconds:

POST /bv/playback/v1/sessions/:device_id:heartbeat

const val API_DOMAIN = "https://api.one.blendvision.com/"

interface ApiService {

// post this API every 10 seconds
suspend fun Heartbeat(
@Header("Authorization") playbackToken: String,
@Path("deviceId") deviceId: String

suspend fun EndPlaybackSession(
@Header("Authorization") playbackToken: String,
@Path("deviceId") deviceId: String

Workflow Sequence Diagram