
Subtitles / Closed Captions

To embed the subtitles for a AOD, make a PUT request to the following API with specific AOD id provided:

PUT /bv/cms/v1/aods/:id/subtitles

Configure the subtitle request body with the following options:

idstringSpecify the ID of the subtitle you would like to embed.

You can upload and obtain the ID for a subtile file using this API:
POST /bv/cms/v1/library/files:upload
  • Supported Formats: srt, vtt
  • File Size Limitation: 3 MB
  • namestringThe name of the subtitle as it will appear on the BlendVision One console.
    codestringLanguage code follows the RFC 5646 standard, utilizing the shortest ISO 639 code. e.g., en, ja, or zh.
    displaystringThe name of the subtitle language as it will appear on the player.

    Here is an example of a request body:
