
Update VOD



Modifies the details of an existing VOD.

Required field(s):

  • id
  • name
  • metadata

  • Returns a 400/BadRequest error if the request body is invalid.
  • Returns a 404/NotFound error if the requested resource is not found.


Path Parameters

    id stringrequired

    Required. The unique id of the VOD resource.

Header Parameters

    x-bv-org-id stringrequired

    To invoke this API using api_token, you need to set the x-bv-org-id header to specify the organization for which you want to perform the action.


    name stringrequired

    Required. The name of the VOD resource.

    metadata objectrequired

    Required. The metadata of the VOD resource.

    short_description string

    The short description of the resource.

    long_description string

    The long description of the resource.

    labels object[]

    The labels of the resource.

  • Array [
  • name The label name (string)
  • ]
  • schedule object

    Optional. The schedule setting of the VOD resource.

    enable booleanrequired

    Enable VOD viewing schedule or not.

    start_time date-timerequired

    VOD viewing start time. Users can only watch the VOD within the specified start time and end time.

    end_time date-timerequired

    VOD viewing end time. Users can only watch the VOD within the specified start time and end time.

    showroom object

    Optional. The showroom setting of the VOD resource.

    model object

    Optional. The model of showroom preferences.

    libraries object[]

    Optional. The library assets that is used by the model.

  • Array [
  • id stringrequired

    Required. The library id of the asset.

  • ]
  • byo_cdn object

    Optional. The setting of bring-your-own cdn.

    enabled boolean

    Optional. Enable BYO(Bring-your-own) CDN or not.

    byo_cdn_setting_id string

    Optional. The id of BYO CDN host that you set in the general settings, it's necessary when byo cdn is enabled.

    player object

    Optional. The setting of player.

    player_setting_id string
    chapter_setting object

    Optional. The setting of vod chapter. It can only be updated when VOD succeeds.

    enable booleanrequired
    chapters object[]required

    The timestamp value of the first element in the chapters must be set to zero.

  • Array [
  • title stringrequired
    timestamp int64required
  • ]
  • cover_image object

    Optional. The setting of cover image. Only valid when VOD is succeeded.

    type stringrequired


    Required. Indicates the cover image type.

    customize object

    Optional. Required if type is COVER_IMAGE_TYPE_CUSTOMIZE.

    library_id stringrequired

    Required. The library id of the cover image.

    security object

    Optional. The setting of security. Only valid when VOD is succeeded.

    privacy objectrequired

    Required. Specify the content visibility.

    type stringrequired


    • SECURITY_PRIVACY_TYPE_PUBLIC: The viewers can access the content without any restriction.
    • SECURITY_PRIVACY_TYPE_TOKEN: The viewers can access the content with tokens or redeem codes.
    token object

    Optional. Required if type is SECURITY_PRIVACY_TYPE_TOKEN.

    device_limit int32

    Optional. The limit of the concurrent devices for a token or a redeem code. Default: 0 (Unlimited). Maximum: 1000.

    watermark object

    Optional. Add watermarks to the player when playing the content, it's not supported for AOD.

    enabled booleanrequired

    Required. Enable watermark.

    type stringrequired


    Required. Indicates the type of watermark.

    position stringrequired


    Required. The position of the watermark.

    image object

    Optional. Required if type is WATERMARK_TYPE_IMAGE.

    library_id stringrequired

    Required. The library id of the image.

    size floatrequired

    Required. The size of the watermark. The range of values that can be set is from 1 to 50.

    offset object

    Optional. Required if type is WATERMARK_POSITION_CUSTOM.

    x int32required

    Required. The x-axis position of the watermark. Represented as a percentage of the image width. The range of values that can be set is from 1 to 100.

    y int32required

    Required. The y-axis position of the watermark. Represented as a percentage of the image height. The range of values that can be set is from 1 to 100.

    domain_control object

    Optional. Specify the domains that will be allowed to embed the iframe.

    enabled boolean

    Optional. Enable domain control.

    domains string[]

    Optional. The list of domains that will be allowed to embed the iframe.

    protection object

    Optional. Immutable. The content encryption.

    type Optional. Indicates the type of protection (string)

    Possible values: [PROTECTION_TYPE_DRM]

    • PROTECTION_TYPE_DRM: The content will protected by DRM.
    geo_control string[]

    Immutable. Specify the alpha-2 codes (See: https://www.iban.com/country-codes) to restrict access to the content by geo locations. Allow all regions when empty.

    end_screen object

    Optional. The end screen setting of the VOD resource.

    model object

    Optional. The model of end screen preferences.

    libraries object[]

    Optional. The library assets that is used by the model.

  • Array [
  • id stringrequired

    Required. The library id of the asset.

  • ]
  • vods object[]

    Optional. The vod assets that is used by the model.

  • Array [
  • id stringrequired

    Required. The VOD id.

  • ]
  • summary object

    Optional. The setting of summary. Only valid when VOD is succeeded.

    content string

    Optional. The content of summary, one of content or ai_generate_summary_setting should be set.

    ai_generate_summary_setting object

    Optional. The setting of AI generate summary, one of content or ai_generate_summary_setting should be set.

    library_id string

    Optional. The unique id of the library, one of library_id or subtitle_id should be set.

    length int32

    Optional. the length of summary, it is required when the library_id is set.

    format string


    Optional. The format of summary, it is required when the library_id is set.

    subtitle_id string

    Optional. The unique id of the subtitle, one of library_id or subtitle_id should be set.

    content_type string


    Optional. The content type of the source. It is used to determine the appropriate summary generation strategy, and it only supports the summary of subtitle.

    delete_summary boolean

    Optional. If set to true, it will delete the summary.

    tagging_setting object



A successful response.


