
Batch update dictionaries in chatroom



Performs bulk updates to multiple dictionaries within the chatroom. Authorization requires the chatroom token.


Header Parameters

    authorization string

    This API should be invoked with the chatroom token.


    ids string[]required

    Required. The list of uuid of the dictionaries that targets to update in the chatroom.

    enabled booleanrequired

    Required. Indicates whether or not to enabled all of the dictionaries in the chatroom.


A successful response.

    results object[]

    The list of the batch update results.

  • Array [
  • dictionary object

    The dictionary resource.

    id string

    Output only. The uuid of the dictionary that is used to filter the incoming message from the viewer.

    name string

    Output only. The name of the dictionary.

    description string

    Output only. The description of the dictionary.

    default boolean

    Output only. Indicates the dictionary is the default dictionary that can not be modified or deleted.

    pattern_count int32

    Output only. The number of patterns in the dictionary.

    created_at date-time

    Output only. Indicates the time that the dictionary created.

    updated_at date-time

    Output only. Indicates the time that the dictionary last updated.

    enabled boolean

    Indicates the dictionary whether or not enabled in the chatroom.

  • ]